Discipleship Study Courses & Kingdom Living.


Enrolled Believers 

3 Weekly Teachings

Online Courses & Zoom Meeting 

Citadel Impact Discipleship Tenets

Our Focus Areas

Biblical Discipleship

Each year on June 20, the world celebrates World Refugee Day. This year, the focus will be on the right to seek safety in times of peril.

Biblical Word Study

For many people, country life means a peaceful existence that is quieter, cleaner, and closer to the natural world.

Kingdom Living & Community

People forced to flee should be treated with respect and dignity. They are entitled to safety and dignity.

Discipleship Curriculum & More: Taught By Ps. Obie & Dr. Raheal

Citadel University, a ministry of Impact Citadel is a  Discipleship ministry platform that offers biblical discipleship curriculum to believers. Who are passionate about sharing the life-changing message of the gospel with the world.

Citadel University
Fundraising Campaigns

Discipleship for Kingdom Impact

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Enrolled Members
Courses Rolling Out

We're building a world-class worship center in the city of Dallas, Texas. Support Today

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Citadel Impact Leadership